Histórias de Mim II
I've seen this all before. I'vbe been here like ten thousand times. I can't breathe, my head hurts. I can't see, the memories are standing in my way. The pain I buried is raising from it's grave, stronger every day. All I ever wanted, all I ever dreamed was a simple caress, just a kiss to ease my pain. I thought it would come, like before, when we used to laugh, when you used to love. But it never came, I bleed dry and you never reached out to me, I fell into my own madness, and you never listened. I ache, and still you ask me to stand. I've had enough, I'm full of all your pity for yourself, for all you've done, for what you've become. I've had enough. But still I'm attatched to those strings you hold, being yet nothing but your boxing bag.