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Nome: Dementia

Idade: Uma alma velha para o Sol

Aprecio: Musica Literatura Escrita Lua Mar Excentricidade Senilidade Embriaguez

Dispenso: Emaranhados de Pessoas Sufocantes Cinismo Hipocrisia e Afins Estereotipos Tudo o que seja propositado para me enervar

Sou:Louca Histérica Calma Paciente Paradoxo de mim mesma nos enleios caóticos de mim Teimosa Destrutiva Sonhadora Alucinada Desagregada do presente


moon phases

Template By:

Imaginary Templates

It all starts the same way.
A glimpse of a dreamy new reality
A sigh that slowly climbs the throat to rest on the lips
And the tears never seemed to fall
And the Dream never seemed so real
My eyes never lied at all.
There's an empty joy in all this
And still the strangest part for me
Is to have faith again.
Faith In me...
We gladly shared all of it
All of what made us who we were,
Who we thought to be
You played heaven, I played hell
We never mended, it started off so well
Than it all starts to crumble...
All just falls like sand through my fingers
Thin grains that gently hit the floor
Like broken petals from my soul's flowers
I watch them bloom
Red white blue and grey
All so pale and joylessly abandoned
Like I once felt
Like you made me feel