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Nome: Dementia

Idade: Uma alma velha para o Sol

Aprecio: Musica Literatura Escrita Lua Mar Excentricidade Senilidade Embriaguez

Dispenso: Emaranhados de Pessoas Sufocantes Cinismo Hipocrisia e Afins Estereotipos Tudo o que seja propositado para me enervar

Sou:Louca Histérica Calma Paciente Paradoxo de mim mesma nos enleios caóticos de mim Teimosa Destrutiva Sonhadora Alucinada Desagregada do presente


moon phases

Template By:

Imaginary Templates

Sick Mind Trip

Autor Desconhecido

Despair rises once more
Like crying angels in my hidden cellardoor
The blood ran dry on my wrist
It has been such a long time, ... since ...
The scars have now grown thick

Now I keep it to myself, keep it all inside
No one hears me scream
No one has ever saw another tear

Maybe this is just another kind of pain
This one in my mind
Seems to have attached to my brain
Some kind of a mental nuclear discharge

I never really felt such anger
Such sorrow nor such urge to disappear
I have never tasted this poison
Which has been feeding me blind

I never saw this flame
Nor folowed this cursed road I'm in....
It's all so new, but the light is fadding, it's dim
I woke up in the fire my own hell has raised.