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Nome: Dementia

Idade: Uma alma velha para o Sol

Aprecio: Musica Literatura Escrita Lua Mar Excentricidade Senilidade Embriaguez

Dispenso: Emaranhados de Pessoas Sufocantes Cinismo Hipocrisia e Afins Estereotipos Tudo o que seja propositado para me enervar

Sou:Louca Histérica Calma Paciente Paradoxo de mim mesma nos enleios caóticos de mim Teimosa Destrutiva Sonhadora Alucinada Desagregada do presente


moon phases

Template By:

Imaginary Templates

Trying too damn hard

Autor Desconhecido

Found a way to scream
Found a way to lose
Found a way to be anyone else
But the one they chose

I bleed and I cry
I dream as I used to fly
Lost my comfort on being glad
Learnt how to cry alone in my bed
Began to feel insane
Lost all control on one demand

I seemed to know better
I seemed to realise what to do
I thought I knew how to live
I learnt only how to survive the doom

No more, I don't mean to cry again
Hold the tears , lock them deep inside
Can't seem to find a way
Can't seem to leave it all behind

Trying once again...
Trying to make amends
Trying to endure stuff I'll never forgive

Erase the sadness
Control the pain
Hold on to smiles
Fake them, don't complain
Control, Hold on , Pretend, Lie
Exist without living
Survive without feeling

It's better this way!