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Nome: Dementia

Idade: Uma alma velha para o Sol

Aprecio: Musica Literatura Escrita Lua Mar Excentricidade Senilidade Embriaguez

Dispenso: Emaranhados de Pessoas Sufocantes Cinismo Hipocrisia e Afins Estereotipos Tudo o que seja propositado para me enervar

Sou:Louca Histérica Calma Paciente Paradoxo de mim mesma nos enleios caóticos de mim Teimosa Destrutiva Sonhadora Alucinada Desagregada do presente


moon phases

Template By:

Imaginary Templates

Is this a dream? Was it ever real?

Autor Desconhecido

It isn't like this has never happened before, but this time it's hurting me so. I'm so alone!
I've been here before, although now annoyed by my loneliness. I ought to be used to it, but I can't. The empty house brings me the memories of all that was shared once. I can walk through the hallway and hear your voice behind me. I can feel your touch, your breath, your stares while I'm asleep. And all this is haunting me when I'm alone, at home, eating, sleeping, living on my own, alone.
Silence has become a whisper, and it tells me pleasent words. Cold , rough ones, but still the only language that is real in here. I sit alone at night, as usual, with no one by my side. And I dream. I dream the dreams of wonders where everything is as I wished, where all is better than this, where you and I are still as one, and nothing could tear us apart in the world.
But now I'm alone.And there's an emptyness in my soul that's just unbearable to me. But still I dream, and keep on dreaming, as if tomorrow would never become like today, and the silence would not sting no more lies into my mind. And you would finally return to me, to never ever leave again. Patiently I await, alone, for you. No more than a few days you said, well for me it feels like years ahead....